I got my first tag today from Prontip. I am supposed to tell seven little oddities about myself. Only seven????
Here goes:
1. I am scared to death of flying. I have flown. Across the Atlantic three times and over the Pacific once. I am terrified so much that I hate going to airports. I wish I wasn't scared.
2. My only other big fear are snakes. Obviously I've never seen the movie "Snakes on a Plane." My neighbor said she saw a huge black snake the other day on her walk thorugh the woodsy park at the end of our street. That's it for me. No more park until November when those snakes are hibernating!
3. I have to have Diet Coke, instead of coffee, for breakfast. I love the cold and the fizz. I have never had a cup of coffee in my life. When I have to go to Starbucks with friends who like it there, I order iced tea.
4. My favorite song, the one that always makes me want to dance or sing along very badly is: "Mexican Radio" by Wall of VooDoo. I know the whole thing, note by note, by heart. The "eating barbequed iguana" line is pure gold.
5. I am a font of totally useless trivia. I know dumb things like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz's last name (Gale), the 48th state (Arizona), the first president born in the USA (Martin Van Buren--the USA was a country not a colony when he was born), the first video shown on MTV ("Video Killed The Radio Star" by the Buggles), and on and on and on...
6. I hate wearing dresses. I'm a blue jeans and cute top sort of girl. I can't remember the last time I wore a dress.
7. If I've been to a restaurant before, I order the same thing from the menu everytime I go back. My BFF Suzy knows this better than anyone and it drives her CRAZY!
So, I need to tag more people. OK, here goes. Sorry, Ladies, but you have to play now because you are IT!
I think I may need to tag seven. I'm new to this blogland and think most of my blog friends have already been tagged. So far I have four I don't think have been tagged. Perhaps I'll add three more tomorrow 'cause I think I'm supposed to do seven. It's late I'm pooped! Have a great thursday! XXOO, Beth